Healthcare & Social Assistance

De'Ron Smith
I Dream Academy - Cincinnati, CEO
A Mentoring, Development and Therapeutic Academy for medium and high risk youth. We incorporate multiple venues that guarantees us to meet the yout...
Doris Thomas
Never The Less, Inc. , CEO
Tierrah Mayfield
Tru Serenity Unlimited LLC, CEO/Founder
Toni Tipton
Uzima Rejuvenation Station, Co-Owner
Trazana Staples
Trazana A Staples Alternative Stroke Recovery Fund, Founder/CEO
Trazana A. Staples Alternative Stroke Recovery Fund’s mission is to educate our community of the benefits of integrative and complementary wellness...
Dawn Singleton
Noviad 360 Photo Booth, CEO
Greetings everyone; I'm Dawn Singleton, I'm married, I have children and grandchildren. I was born and raised in New York. I live in Cincinnati, Oh...
Andrew Gillihan
Alinea Performance, Owner/Physical Therapist
Cassandra Hazelrig
Encounter Wellness Mental Health Services
Angela Booker
Hello, my name is Angela Booker, I am a registered nurse and CEO of NURSES IN ALL SHADES, LLC (aka NIAS). NIAS is a brand of fashionable scrubs for...
Thorb Towles
Titan Management Group of Ohio, LLC, President & CEO
Inspiring Commercial Equipment Finance Executive possessing over 30+ years of proven success exemplified via various executive leadership positions...
Andre Williams
AMW Group, LLC, Founder/CEO
Andre is a methodical thinker and an unapologetic champion for positive disruption. For over 25 years, he has provided corporations, small business...