Pennrose, LLC | Pennrose.com | 513.906.5164 | 1435 Vine Street, Suite 406 | Cincinnati, OH 45202
Pennrose is ready to break ground on a new affordable housing development in Walnut Hills and start construction of the Lincoln & Gilbert Family development.
- Lincoln & Gilbert Family will create 86 affordable housing units for families, with one, two and three bedrooms. The development will have on-site
amenities including a community room, fitness center, homework nook and on-site management.
- We’re holding an outreach session next Tuesday, 12/13 at 10am. We will hold a second outreach session in January. We can also share the contact information for our GC, The Douglas Company, with any subcontractors who would like to learn more about the current opportunities that are available.
- Here is a link to the Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 740 6945 1291, Passcode: P4HuL7
We have some trades under contract and may have other opportunities arise as construction gets underway. Currently we are looking for subcontractors for the following trades:
- Asphalt, Landscaping, Site Concrete, Fencing, Site Signage, Retaining Walls
- Building Concrete, Gypcrete, Masonry, Misc. Steel, Metal Canopies
- Finish Carpentry, Cabinets & Countertops, Waterproofing, Insulation, Roofing
- Siding & Trim, Caulking, Doors, Frames & Hardware, Windows, Drywall
- Flooring, Paintings & Wallcoverings, Specialties, Residential Appliances
- Elevators, HVAC, Fire Protection, Final Cleaning, Access Control, Security & Intercom
William Basil – Developer, wbasil@pennrose.com